Monday, August 22, 2011

Sad day--Updates on hold

So the screen on my 2yr old laptop has been giving me problems and I think it finally died on me today. :(  I am hoping to get it fixed this week.  I am using my son's computer so I can read and keep up with everyone's story but I can't play my game.  I really didn't plan to leave everyone hanging about Amari for an extended period of time.  Hopefully I will be back up and working soon.


  1. That stinks! I'm sorry! I hope you get it fixed soon! Can't wait for the next chapter! Your story is one of my favorites! :)

  2. Thanks Crzy. I hope I won't be without my laptop for long and that it's a repairable issue.

  3. Hey,

    I hope you get your computer screen sorted out soon.

  4. Oh no! I hope it gets sorted soon. I've been slowly making my way through your story and am enjoying it so far so i hope this gets fixed for you :)

  5. I definitely understand! I think that the graphics card on my laptop is beginning to go bad. I don't want to get it repaired again. I've been hinting to my husband that I need a new laptop.

    I hope you can get it repaired soon. I'll miss your story!
